A two-hour seminar looking at the facts behind Genetically Modified foods – Friday August 2
While governments, scientists, farmers, and industry continue to debate about the safety of Genetically Modified (GM) foods, an entire generation of Australians is becoming the unsuspecting guinea pigs.
New research by an Australian scientist is showing GM-fed pigs in a US piggery had 2.6 times the rate of severe stomach inflammation of pigs fed a non-GM diet. The uteruses of pigs fed GM corn and soy from weaning until slaughter were 25% heavier than those fed non-GM, which can indicate disease (i). There are reports of greater antibiotic use, aggressive behaviour, unexplained problems including spontaneous abortions, deformities in new-borns and listlessness in animals fed GM (ii, iii).
Hosted by Brisbane-based Meal Planning Your Way, the upcoming 2 hour seminar on Friday 2 August 2013 at 7pm at QB Conference Centre Gaythorne will feature two of Australia’s leading advocates.
According to Fran Murrell, co-founder of MADGE, Australia’s leading campaigner for GM labeling and speaker at the 2nd August event, “This study shows intestinal and fertility problems are linked to eating GM. Most processed food in Australia contains GM ingredients but they escape labelling. This seminar will help consumers understand why we need a freeze on new GM approvals, a reassessment of existing ones and full labelling of GM ingredients immediately.”
Robert Pekin, Executive Director of Brisbane-based Food Connect Foundation, a unique Social Business that provides local marketing and distribution solutions for Ecological Family Farmers throughout Australia, will also be speaking at the event about how the New Creative Food Economy that can transform the health and wealth of our local communities. “The truth about GM will always be swept into the smoke and mirrors of corporate spin doctors, however there are simple ways to avoid the confusion altogether, including purchasing locally from farmers and producers you know.”
According to event organiser, Meal Planning Your Way’s Home Economist Louise D’Allura, “A nationwide survey on Australians’ attitudes to food by Australian consumer research group, Roy Morgan Research, revealed that 52 per cent of Australians said they will not buy genetically modified food if they can help it, and 46 per cent said they try to buy additive-free food .”
Tickets are $20 and bookings are essential.
Buy tickets on line at www.MealPlanningYourWay.com for online discounts.
For further contact Louise D’Allura on phone 0408 723 559 or MADGE Fran Murrell 0401 407 944
[i] Judy A. Carman, Howard R. Vlieger, Larry J. Ver Steeg, Verlyn E. Sneller, Garth W. Robinson, Catherine A. Clinch-Jones, Julie I. Haynes, John W. Edwards (2013). A long-term toxicology study on pigs fed a combined genetically modified (GM) soy and GM maize diet. Journal of Organic Systems 8 (1): 38-54.
Open access full text: http://www.organic-systems.org/journal/81/8106.pdf [ii]
Press release Evidence of GMO harm in pig study http://gmojudycarman.org/new-study-shows-that-animals-are-seriously-harmed-by-gm-feed/
Press release Evidence of GMO harm in pig study http://gmojudycarman.org/new-study-shows-that-animals-are-seriously-harmed-by-gm-feed/ http://www.gmwatch.org/gm-reality/13882-gm-soy-linked-to-health-damage-in-pigs-a-danish-dossier
GM soy linked to health damage in pigs – a Danish Dossier http://www.gmwatch.org/gm-reality/13882-gm-soy-linked-to-health-damage-in-pigs-a-danish-dossier [iii]