Category: John James Newsletter

The John James newsletter sources information that the mainstream news deliberately ignores. The Generator checks, vets and provides sources for selected articles from John James’ feed.

The John James Newsletter 64

Neville /13 June, 2015

  The John James Newsletter 64 Inbox x John James 2:06 PM (3 minutes ago) The John James Newsletter 64 13 June 2015 – Provence The ugly truth is out there, but you have to want to know it Sheldon Richman Global Apollo programme seeks to make clean energy cheaper than coalSir David King calls for Continue Reading →

The John James Newsletter 63

Neville /6 June, 2015

1 of 33   The John James Newsletter 63 Inbox x John James 12:52 PM (16 minutes ago) The John James Newsletter 63 6 June 2015 – Provence The destruction of the natural world is a consequence of the evolutionary success of an exceptionally rapacious primate. Throughout all of history and prehistory, human advance has Continue Reading →

John James Newsletter No. <63>

JohnJames /6 June, 2015

The John James Newsletter 63 The destruction of the natural world is a consequence of the evolutionary success of an exceptionally rapacious primate. Throughout all of history and prehistory, human advance has coincided with ecological devastation John Gray, STRAW DOGS Alert: Arctic methane levels skyrocketing Over the past few months, reporting stations around the Arctic Continue Reading →

John James Newsletter No. <49>

JohnJames /1 June, 2015

The John James Newsletter 49 7 March 2015 YOU MAY NEED TO CUT AND PASTE THESE LINKS The Great Transition: Shifting from fossil fuels to solar and wind energy by Lester R. Brown The link is to Chapter One. “While France is completing construction of its last nuclear plant, it is in the process of Continue Reading →

John James Newsletter No. <50>

JohnJames /1 June, 2015

The John James Newsletter 50 14 March 2015 YOU MAY NEED TO CUT AND PASTE THESE LINKS Whenever you find yourself on the side of the majority, it is time to pause and reflect Mark Twain The Arctic Ocean is coming close to complete summer meltdown The apparent ‘pause’ in global warming has been no Continue Reading →

John James Newsletter No. <51>

JohnJames /1 June, 2015

The John James Newsletter 51 21 March 2015 Democracy must be something more than two wolves and a sheep voting on what’s for dinner. James Bovard Solar and wind power have halted the rise in global emissions   !!!!!!!!!! The IEA has hailed a “surprising” and “unprecedented” halt in the rise of global CO2 emissions as Continue Reading →