Category: Population

Sebastian Waelti of the Swiss National Bank

IPCC denies the option of degrowth

Geoff Ebbs /21 July, 2021

Writing in this week’s Pearls and Irritations, Peter Sainsbury points out that the most recent Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) projections regarding climate change assume continual economic growth as fundamental to their projection. Their modelling offsets this with unprecedented technical change, such as green hydrogen and green steel and new, negative emissions technologies. Europe’s Continue Reading →

SARS-CoV-2 as our crystal ball

Geoff Ebbs /26 March, 2020

The CoViD 19 pandemic is a window into the future and the way that we individually and communally respond is the template that we will carry forward to deal with the next challenge and the next challenge and the one after that as the global systems that support our unsustainable lifestyle fail in the face of increasingly complex challenges

Bend the curve: The hammer and the dance

Geoff Ebbs /23 March, 2020

If you are actually interested in the public policy surrounding the decisions around the Corona virus, this article is thoroughly researched and incredibly informative. As always the devil is in the detail. The primary consideration is what is different about Singapore and South Korea compared to Italy and Spain? #coronavirus #hammerdance #closetheschools #bendthecurve #bendingthecurve Continue Reading →

Bending the curve: The Hammer and The Dance

Geoff Ebbs /23 March, 2019

If you are actually interested in the public policy surrounding the decisions around the Corona virus, this article is thoroughly researched and incredibly informative. As always the devil is in the detail. The primary consideration is what is different about Singapore and South Korea compared to Italy and Spain? #coronavirus #hammerdance #closetheschools #closeschools #schoolclosure Continue Reading →

A dollar from the United States of Africa (in the cage)

Who are the one per crore?

Geoff Ebbs /4 October, 2016

The planet is not dying it is being killed and the people killing it have names and addresses, said singer activist and well known wobbly, Utah Phillips. If we know the names and addresses of the 700 people who control the wealth and armies of the planet, then we might be able to adjust their behaviour. Continue Reading →

Sir David warns against growth

Neville /26 May, 2013

Sir David warns against growth Date May 26, 2013 5 reading now (4) Read later Scott Hannaford The Sunday Canberra Times editor. View more articles from Scott Hannaford Follow Scott on Twitter Email Scott Zoom in on this story. Explore all there is to know. Australia Tony Burke inShare Pin It submit to reddit Email Continue Reading →