Category: Sustainable Settlement and Agriculture

The Generator is founded on the simple premise that we should leave the world in better condition than we found it. The news items in this category outline the attempts people have made to do this. They are mainly concerned with our food supply and settlement patterns. The impact that the human race has on the planet.

Howard’s plan: move nation’s food bowl

admin /3 May, 2007

Lachlan Murdoch and Noel Pearson in Howard govt taskforce to examine how to shift nation’s food bowl from drought-ravaged south to northern Australia

According to The Australian, (02/05/2007, p.6), Lachlan Murdoch, a director of News Corporation, owner of The Australian, and Noel Pearson, an indigenous leader and director of the Cape York Institute for Policy and Leadership were among other prominent figures appointed to a Howard government taskforce charged with examining how to shift the nation’s food bowl from the drought-ravaged south to northern Australia.

Taskforce on land and water development: Howard had appointed a Northern Australia Land and Water Taskforce – headed by his close associate, Senator Bill Heffernan – to examine opportunities to develop further land and water development in a more heavily populated deep north. The taskforce will advise the Government on all water sources in northern Australia, including the Fitzroy River catchment and Gulf of Carpentaria drainage area.

To identify opportunities for future agri development: The taskforce has been asked to identify opportunities "with particular emphasis on the identification of the capacity of the north to play a role in future agricultural development".

Final report by March 2009: The public and interested groups will be able to make submissions to the inquiry, due to complete an interim report before the end of the year and a final report by March 2009.

MP Tollner and Nats’ Ron Boswell also included: Other members include tourism and hotel leader David Baffsky as well as Country Liberal Party MP Dave Tollner and Nationals Senate leader Ron Boswell.

Australian food wastage could feed millions

admin /15 July, 2006

In the next 40 years, according to the UN Environment Program, world food output must rise 110 per cent to meet the demands of population growth and improving diets in places such as China, India and Latin America, notes Julian Cribb, adjunct professor of science communication at the University of Technology, Sydney in The Australian Continue Reading →

Govt policy keeps junk food cheap

admin /22 February, 2006

Grist Magazine in the US is doing a major investigation into the links
between poverty and the environment. One of hte first findings is that
huge government subsidies for corn, not only warp enviornmental policy
but make junk food based on corn starch many times cheaper than fresh
fruit and vegetables.

So good, and so good for you -- until it's turned into soda.

So good, and so good for you — until it’s turned into soda.
Photo: stock.xchng.