Category: Sustainable Settlement and Agriculture

The Generator is founded on the simple premise that we should leave the world in better condition than we found it. The news items in this category outline the attempts people have made to do this. They are mainly concerned with our food supply and settlement patterns. The impact that the human race has on the planet.

John James Newsletter

The John James Newsletter  261

JohnJames /26 November, 2018

In July, 1977, James F. Black, one of Exxon’s senior scientists, addressed many of the company’s top leaders in New York, explaining the earliest research on the greenhouse effect.

John James Newsletter

The John James Newsletter  260

JohnJames /24 November, 2018

Facts are stern things       John Curtin The hypocrisy, arrogance, and hubris of a family that has sought to turn the Presidency into another Trump franchise.

The John James Newsletter  253

JohnJames /13 October, 2018

It tells us we can limit planetary destruction if we act now, but we know from the world’s response to that report that we won’t act, not now and probably not ever.

Greenpeace artwork in the Philippines

Pollution kills 20 million people

Geoff Ebbs /25 February, 2018

Life expectancy is falling in the US as the impact of pollutants on cancer in children, and untreatable diseases spread from industrially farrmed food into the population. As the impact of pollutants on childhood health is better understood experts warn that cancers, asthma and obesity have become normal characteristics of the population. Pollution is directly Continue Reading →