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Macfarlane’s attack on Beazley and Kyoto clearly shows he doen’t get the big picture

admin /5 February, 2006

Under Kim Beazley, Labor has already committed itself to a dark,
expensive, energy-less future for all Australians, brought about by the
introduction of a quasi, ill-conceived emissions trading program, said
Federal Industry, Tourism and Resources Minister, Ian Macfarlane in a
media release.

Costly Kyoto: The Beazley Blueprint will advocate a future where
electricity and petroleum costs more and jobs will be sacrificed in the
name of a short-sighted protocol on greenhouse emissions arrest.

Electricity up 50pc and 15,000 jobs gone: The ABARE Outlook
2002 report on Climate Change found that if Australia were to ratify
the Kyoto Protocol, Australian electricity prices could be 50 per cent,
about A6 cents a kilowatt hour, higher than they would otherwise be by
2015. Labor’s own research shows that the introduction of their carbon
tax would cost Australia more than 15,000 jobs.

Labor supports Howard’s anti-Kyoto stance

admin /22 January, 2006

LABOR’S left-wing powerbroker
Martin Ferguson has urged the party to renounce the Greens and support the
Howard Government’s Asia-Pacific climate
partnership, reported The Australian last
week. The Opposition resources spokesman said it was time to abandon
the “political correctness” of the environmental movement and recognise
the role of Australian business in providing jobs.

“It is extraordinary that
the Greens could place the economic security and jobs of their constituents at
risk,” Mr Ferguson said. “Let’s be real – without getting business on board we
cannot achieve anything.”