Category: Uncategorised

Interminable conversations

Geoff Ebbs /25 June, 2019

Birds do it. Bees do itEven educated fleas do itLet’s do it, Let’s fall in loveCole Porter 1928 There is no doubting the power of conversation as a communication tool. The best preachers and the biggest stadium rock bands mimic traditional call and response to engage the audience and drive home the memory if not Continue Reading →

The best and worst of recycling

Geoff Ebbs /21 June, 2019

Agricultural use of single-use-plastics dwarves domestic use, Jenny Brown of Envorinex told a crowd of forty at The Precinct in Brisbane last night. The good news is that the company which she founded and heads as managing director, is doing something about it. A manufacturer of plastic goods for industrial and infrastructure applications since 2003, Continue Reading →

Growth, or not, and a little Wisdom

Geoff Ebbs /8 June, 2019

A public discussion on the Post-Growth Future for Business held at University of Queensland generated far-reaching discussion last Friday, 7th June. Hosted by Dr Cle-Ann Gabriel, who is researching business models for sustainability, the event outlined the reasons for considering an end to growth, the challenges that poses for business and some approaches that can Continue Reading →

Dick Smith and Geoff Ebbs discuss degrowth

Geoff Ebbs /5 June, 2019

Entrepreneur and adventurer Dick Smith is no stranger to controversy. Over the years he has threatened to run against Tony Abbott, as well as starting a range of ventures that can only be described as profit for a purpose. Dick Smith foods for example was set up with the sole purpose of keeping Australian food Continue Reading →

Discussion thrives at Griffith Circular Economy event

Geoff Ebbs /30 May, 2019

Over fifty delegates kicked off a lively discussion about the role of the Circular Economy for small business at Griffith University, Southbank, yesterday, Thursday, 30th May. The Queensland Small Business Week Event #QSBW had businesses grilling government, academics and practitioners about tools to implement the strategies discussed, government support for innovation and long term impacts Continue Reading →