Tag: fire


NSW town disappears in fires

Geoff Ebbs /12 February, 2017

Fires caused by the extreme heat wave over the weekend have consumed the NSW town of Uarbry leaving around 100 residents homeless. Over 80 fires continue to burn, 23 of them out of control, across Western and Northern NSW. Those areas report the hottest February temperatures on record, while much of Queensland recorded the hottest Continue Reading →

Map of Siberian fires

Siberia burns after summer of drought

Geoff Ebbs /4 October, 2016

Following a summer of intense drought the forests of Siberia are burning in a climate altering event that is one of the original tipping points predicted by NASA scientists. Over 2 million hectares of forest have burned in the last six months, four times the area incinerated in Australia’s Black Saturday fires in 2009. The Continue Reading →

satellite image of forest fires

Indonesian fires responsible for 100,000 deaths

Geoff Ebbs /27 September, 2016

Indonesian agribusiness interests are responsible for hundreds of thousands of premature deaths from the after effects of smoke from last year’s forest fires, according to a report released by Harvard University this week. This time last year, the smoke haze from the fires blanketed South East Asia, diverting aircraft and causing illness in countries from Continue Reading →