Tag: global warming

Rainfall map for 2060s

Climate shift wiping out tropical and arctic ecosystems

Geoff Ebbs /16 August, 2016

Data released last month by University of Exeter  indicates that the climate is currently moving toward the poles at an average of 125km a decade and is accelerating. The implications are that Arctic ecosystems are disappearing with plants and animals being “simply pushed off the planet” Also, an equatorial death zone is opening up, with Continue Reading →

Climate change doesn’t have to be all bad

Geoff Ebbs /12 January, 2013

By Zachary Karabell January 11, 2013 This week the National Climate Data Center confirmed what most had long believed: 2012 was the warmest year on record for the United States. Ever. And not just a bit warmer: a full Fahrenheit degree warmer than in 1998, the previous high. In the land of climatology statistics, that Continue Reading →