Tag: Monsanto

A People's Tribunal in he Dutch Capital, The Hague

Monsanto ecocide trial garners global attention

Geoff Ebbs /25 October, 2016

Activists staging a mock trial of Monsanto for Crimes Against Humanity in the Hague have successfully garnered world attention, forcing the company to release a statement and Forbes Magazine to run an article on the situation. The objectives of the mock trial are to test the legal strength of such a case thereby building a Continue Reading →

Greenpeace protests merger

Bayer and Monsanto merger frightens farmers and foodies

Geoff Ebbs /20 September, 2016

The proposed merger of German pharmaceutical manufacturer Bayer and American pesticide and seed corporation Monsanto has raised global concerns among activists concerned about monopoly power over food security and human health. US Senators representing mid-western farmers have promised to scrutinize the deal which some financial commentators have said will fail, netting a windfall for Monsanto. Continue Reading →