Tag: religion

UK religious beliefs

Australian Census controversy over identity and religion

Geoff Ebbs /2 August, 2016

Controversy mounts around religion and identity in the 2016 Australian Census. Political parties, activists and religious leaders have robustly criticized the Australian Government for collecting the names and IP addresses of people who complete the Census online this year. The government insists this is simply to verify the accuracy of the data and the names Continue Reading →

Render unto Caesar

Render unto Caesar

Geoff Ebbs /19 April, 2016

Render therefore unto Caesar the things that are Caesar’s and unto God the things that are God’s. – Matthew 22:21 As debate around the privileged position of the christian church in Australian society slowly grinds its way into the mainstream discourse, it becomes increasingly important to clarify the fundamental issues. Those of us who believe firmly Continue Reading →

Dickens still applies

Welfare Cheats

Geoff Ebbs /31 March, 2016

Why pay billions of taxpayer dollars to christian welfare groups when they have been exposed as Criminal Gangs. Not only has the Royal Commission into Abuse Sexual identified the repeat offending of those organisations, it has shown that they closed ranks to protect their members in an organised manner, abusing their political influence to avoid Continue Reading →