Ice melting from the Antarctic continent contributes directly to sea level rise
The Huffington Post reported last week that research carried out in December indicates the Totten glacier in the Antarctic is melting faster than thought due to warm water trickling through the glacier and melting it from below. The Totten glacier is the biggest in east Antarctica. The glacier itself is around 120 kilometres long, 30 kilometres wide and drains some 538,000 square kilometres of the continent. That’s an area bigger than California. The ice is kilometres thick, but it’s melting at 70 metres a year in some spots.
There’s a glacier in Antarctica so immense that would raise sea levels by 3.5 metres.
The Totten glacier is the biggest in east Antarctica. The glacier itself is around 120 kilometres long, 30 kilometres wide and drains some 538,000 square kilometres of the continent. That’s an area bigger than California. The ice is kilometres thick, but it’s melting at 70 metres a year in some spots andwarmer water was melting the Totten ice from below.
Geoff is an author, publisher and performer dedicated to building an independent media. He worked for Australian Consolidated Press as a Packer editor until starting his own media company in the mid-nineties.
The Generator started life as a radio show on Byron Bay's Bay FM and continues as an umbrella for the Cage, the Cross and Great Notion. These digital assets have now been shared with, a radio show with a similar history.