Author: Sidonie

The Sacred Twin Flame

Sidonie /28 November, 2013

Some of you might be familiar with the concept of twin flame. Some of you might believe you have a twin flame. And some of you might even be holding off on a relationship unless it is with your twin flame. For those of you unfamiliar with the term, basically a twin flame is your Continue Reading →

The Sacred Junkie?

Sidonie /25 September, 2013

Is there such a thing as drug enlightenment? A few months ago, I wrote on my facebook page Soul Sex, “Some believe drugs are the fast route to enlightenment. In my experience, it’s an illusion. If anything, they set you back”. And of course, this did not sit well for some reading the post. Maybe too many Continue Reading →

Sacred Masturbator

Sidonie /10 July, 2013

By Sidonie Bouchet Now that pornography is only a click away, more and more people are meeting up with their fantasies each night, releasing themselves of their pent up energy. It’s totally acceptable whether you are single or in relationship, man or woman. There’s nothing wrong with self pleasure, but unfortunately, pornography is a long Continue Reading →