Daily update: The crazy push for new coal generation in QueenslandDaily update: The crazy push for new coal generation in Queensland

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Daily update: The crazy push for new coal generation in Queensland


Renew Economy editor@reneweconomy.com.au via mail4.atl111.rsgsv.net

3:24 PM (16 minutes ago)

to me
The crazy push for new coal generation in Qld, SA leaps towards 40% wind and solar, NSW green car discount plan could penalise EV drivers, Scrapping RET could snuff out community wind project, Central Aus salt mine considers 20MW solar array, The real budget emergency and the myth of “burnable carbon”, Customer focus could save utilities from death-spiral, What George told Dick about wind turbines, and Germany solar energy storage market nearing boom.
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RenewEconomy Daily News
The Parkinson Report
Report recommends an 800MW coal fired plant for northern Queensland. But its assumptions are based on some crazy estimates for cost of renewables, and some hefty government subsidies for coal. The Abbott government loves the idea.
The imminent completion of 270MW Snowtown wind farm will lift South Australia’s wind and solar energy contribution to 40 per cent.
A flaw in the NSW government’s car registration discount proposal could wind up penalising hybrid and EV drivers, rather than rewarding them.
Founder of Australia’s first community-owned wind farm warns changes to RET could undermine the landmark project and kill off future investment.
Developers of proposed $400m salt mine look to 2MW solar array, and will consider storage options.
Joe Hockey tried to manufacture a fiscal budget emergency whilst the real budget emergency – the climate carbon budget emergency – remains hidden from view.
Electricity utilities can avoid their very own “Kodak moment” by becoming more customer-focused.
George the Bull suggests if humans are serious about cutting the renewable energy target,  they might not be the smartest creatures on the planet.
Solar energy plus storage system market in Germany is approaching a boom period,

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