Daily updates Renew-Economy

2 July, 2014 Uncategorized0
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Daily update: Energy prices crash as Queensland solar takes hold


Renew Economy editor@reneweconomy.com.au via mail8.wdc01.mcdlv.net

3:22 PM (7 minutes ago)

to me
Energy prices crash as Queensland solar takes hold, Who’s responsible for over-capacity? Not renewables, The world’s $7.7tn energy boom, Solar bodies attack Abbott over ARENA & energy costs, Lessons from a failed energy revolution, How renewables in US were stopped, Can Australia avoid Kodak moment? Hydro energy storage a forgotten component of future electricity grids? and Dear Tony can you please stop lying about the RET.
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RenewEconomy Daily News
The Parkinson Report
As Tony Abbott argues that renewables lift costs for consumers, energy prices in Queensland have plunged to unprecedented lows as rooftop solar “eats the midday” lunch of incumbent fossil fuel generators. That is why they want the RET stopped.
Australia’s current over-capacity is not the fault of renewables, it’s because incumbent generators made bad bets on demand. Another anti-renewables myth exploded.
Global energy markets facing watershed moment as BNEF predicts two thirds of new investment to 2030 will be in renewable energy.
Solar bodies prepare defence of ARENA and attack Abbott over demonisation of rooftop solar systems.
The transition to renewable energy is the only hope we have to overcome the resource crisis and the climate crisis we are facing. But to achieve that, we need to understand why nuclear failed.
An inside story of how a push to renewable energy in the 1970s in the United States was stopped in its tracks.
Can Australia avoid its ‘Kodak moment’ by aligning its economy and industry with global low-carbon trends, or are we headed for a long slow decline?
I don’t like to publicly criticize leaders but I am compelled to take you to task. Can you please stop lying about the Renewable Energy Target?
SolarEdge is coming to your town REGISTER

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