Jim Hansen on Facebook

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Jim Hansen on Facebook


James Hansen via mail3.atl11.rsgsv.net

8:36 AM (29 minutes ago)

to me
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Jim Hansen on Facebook
I now have a Program Coordinator, Nicole Crescimanno <nac2137@columbia.edu>, for my new program, Climate Science, Awareness and Solutions, in the Columbia University Earth Institute. As of now, besides myself, the scientists in the program are Makiko Sato and Pushker Kharecha.

Regarding Facebook: I just learned that I have been on Facebook for a few years. That was not really me, rather a well-meaning “fan”, who has now relinquished control of the Facebook page to Nicole. I don’t expect to have time for social media, but Nicole will try to make use of Facebook for me, for example, posting my new opinion pieces and information about upcoming events.  My most recent post is Quest of a Broken-Wing Butterfly — please share my posts with friends, when appropriate.

Regarding jobs (as I have received several applications): I am still in the process of securing support for my existing small group, and I do not anticipate large growth. Instead I will try to work with and help obtain support for organizations whose development I have been involved with, especially CitizensClimateLobby.org and OurChildrensTrust.org. We need to keep doing science in order to be effective, but will do that via a small capable group, e.g., I hope to attract a couple of highly talented government employees who have been employed long enough to have a good pension, such that they could “retire” from the government and work for a modest salary. This way I expect to have a highly capable group at a relatively low cost, avoiding the need to spend a lot of time fund raising. In the near-term, we are already occupied in several things that I will write about individually soon, we need to finish a long overdue paper on storms, and I need to find time to complete my second book (Sophie’s Planet).


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