Dr Robin Room of Melbourne University’s Alcohol Policy Research
Head of Alcohol Policy Research, Prof Robin Room, has called for the legalisation of marijuana to reduce binge drinking and violence.
He says that it would significantly reduce government costs to “have a highly controlled legal (cannabis) market and tighten up the legal market of alcohol in the same way we tightened up the market of tobacco”.
“Cannabis is not without harm but it’s substantially less than alcohol and tobacco in terms of social harm,” he says.
More information about Professor Room is available at his website
Geoff is an author, publisher and performer dedicated to building an independent media. He worked for Australian Consolidated Press as a Packer editor until starting his own media company in the mid-nineties.
The Generator started life as a radio show on Byron Bay's Bay FM and continues as an umbrella for the Cage, the Cross and Great Notion. These digital assets have now been shared with EcoRadio.net, a radio show with a similar history.