The Chamber of Commerce and Industry Queensland, QICC, is working with local chambers of Commerce seeking accreditation to deepen its reach into local communities.
According to the QICC, the top two purposes of this program are to
- reposition CCIQ as a vibrant and vital organisation by aggressively promoting and reinforcing it with all stakeholders, and
- Introduce a compelling regional chamber value proposition that will see a consistent brand and position adopted across Queensland
For local chambers this means significantly better access to CCIQ resources, participation in CCIQ programs and, hopefully, better access to the corridors of power.
The Brisbane West Chamber of Commerce and Kenmore & District Chamber of Commerce are in the process of dissolving their current structure to reform as CCIQ – Brisbane West. The Brisbane West membership has already voted to proceed with the merger and the Kenmore group formally announced plans and a special general meeting for November 17th to vote on the issue.
Details of the merger and the proposal, together with the motion to be voted on at the special general meeting will be available at the Kenmore & Disctrict Chamber of Commerce website.
Businesses in 4101 are generally covered by Business South Bank, West End Traders Association, the South West Chamber of Commerce or a combination of those groups. An overview of the local chambers with links to their websites is provided on this site.
One thought on “Local chambers drawn into CCIQ”
John Belchamber
18 October, 2013
We’re excited about the opportunities that this proposed merger will offer current and future members of both the Brisbane West and Kenmore & Districts Chambers. The alliance with CCIQ also offers current and future members access to a range of additional business resources.