The house of review has been transformed into a house of obstruction. We should not be diddled into the belief the Senate somehow is more or even equally representative than the House of Representatives.
The Senate represents the states, with the tiniest state having the same sized representation as the most populous state. The lower house represents the people. At least, that was the conception.
Obstruction of the government’s legislation led one political and constitutional figure to observe, in those circumstances: ”A Senate opposition whose party had just been completely defeated at a general election would be in command of the nation. This would be absurd, as a denial of popular democracy.” (Bob Menzies.)
The rorting of popular democracy really got up a head of steam after the election of the Whitlam government in December 1972. The leader of the opposition in the Senate, Reg Withers, said the arrival of a Labor government after 23 years of conservative rule was ”temporary electoral insanity”. The opposition was determined to destroy the newly elected government and its program of reform, and thereby purge the insanity.
Rudd and co never strike one as great readers of history. However, they might cast their minds to the Whitlam era and the lessons of the May 1974 double dissolution election, and the subsequent first and only joint sitting of the unrepresentatives with the representatives.
The House was passing vast amounts of legislation and the Senate was failing to pass it at a rate not seen since Federation. By April 1974, 10 government bills had been twice rejected by the Senate. Another nine had been rejected once.
It took a misplaced punt by Withers and his troops to force a lower house election by monkeying around with the government’s supply bills that enabled Whitlam to ask the Governor-General, Paul Hasluck, to dissolve parliament and call a double dissolution election for May 18.
The government was returned with its House of Representatives majority intact and increased numbers in the Senate; in fact, equal numbers with the opposition – 29 each, with two independents. In this ”forgotten election”, the voters expressed their unhappiness with an opposition that recklessly sought to trash the program the government was elected to implement less than 18 months earlier.
This prompted the opposition leader, Billy Snedden, to proclaim the coalition had not been defeated, it ”just didn’t win enough seats”.
Whitlam then sent to the Senate six bills that had been twice rejected and they were rejected again. They dealt with the establishment of a universal health insurance scheme (Medibank), electoral measures designed to give each vote the same value, and for the territories to have Senate and House representation.
There was also a measure to regulate the exploration and development of natural resources, the Petroleum and Minerals Authority Bill.
The scene was now set for an historic joint sitting of both houses of parliament to handle a ”stockpile” of legislation. There had been previous double dissolutions, but never a joint sitting of the parliament. All the bills so vehemently opposed by the Coalition were passed by 187 MPs sitting together.
In Overland, Professor Jenny Hocking from Monash University argues that the joint sitting confirmed the political primacy of the House of Representatives in the formation and operation of government.
The Liberals had also gone to the High Court to challenge every step of the way the process of the joint sitting and the bills to be considered there. They were unsuccessful with the exception of the resources legislation, which was struck down by the High Court.
Importantly, the 1974 double dissolution election gave the government enough upper house support to subsequently get through two of attorney-general Lionel Murphy’s most hotly contested pieces of law, the Trade Practices Act and the Family Law Act. Both pieces of legislation were opposed by special pleaders, the opposition and even sections of the Labor Party. Yet they passed, thanks to Whitlam having the gumption to pull it on in 1974 and thanks to Murphy’s skilful manipulation of the Senate committee system and a determination never to give up.
Fat lot of good it did the Labor Party in November the following year. But don’t you just wish Rudd had the balls to call the bluff of Abbott and his wreckers?