From Tim Flannery (Climate Council)

2 October, 2013 Uncategorized0
4:09 PM (3 hours ago)

to me
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Dear INGA,Thank you so much for your support!

In just a few days, over 30,000 of us have banded together to power the new Climate Council. It’s the biggest crowdfunding project ever in Australia (at least that we’ve been able to find). So far we’ve already raised $969,000 together! That’s about half the annual budget we had at the Government-funded Commission.

Thanks to you, we’ve been able to get straight back to it.

You’ve probably read about the world’s largest climate science body releasing the IPCC report this week. We spent most of the last week analysing the report, and talking to media across the country about what it means.

The full report is over 2,000 pages, so here are three quick ways to get up to speed:

READ: our five minute summary of the latest science.

SHARE: our infographic to update friends and family.

TUNE IN: for a personal briefing tomorrow at 6.30pm. As a Founding Friend of the Council, we’d love to give you a chance to talk directly with one of the world’s experts, Climate Councillor Prof. Will Steffen. Join us at 6.30pm AEST tomorrow, Thursday October 3, for a live video discussion on our website. Email with any questions you’d like Prof. Steffen to address.

Thank you so much for making this all possible. When we put out the call for support last week we had no idea whether the public would respond. In just a few days, so many of you extraordinary people contacted us to chip in donations, or volunteer your help. The Climate Council is powered by you and it’s already making waves around the world – we’ve been contacted by so many scientists overseas who are inspired to help and support us.

Your support means that we’ll be able to keep providing independent, expert information on climate change. Perhaps most importantly, it brought us together: a community of over 30,000 Australians — and growing by the day — who can keep working together.

On behalf of the team and all the Councillors, thank you.
Tim Flannery

PS – It’s not too late to donate and support the council. At the moment we are up to $969,000. Can you help take us to $1million by sharing this email with your friends and family? Our new, improved donation page is

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