57% of Chinese Citizens Want More Investment in Environment over Economy

Climate chaos0


57% of Chinese Citizens Want More Investment in Environment over Economy

Posted: 12 Jun 2012 03:18 PM PDT

Gallup has just released new poll results showing that a majority of Chinese citizens care more about cleaning up the environment than they do about growing the economy. Among Chinese adults Gallup surveyed last year, 57 percent believe that protecting the environment should be their country’s priority, even if improving environmental standards slows the pace of economic growth. Only 21 percent believe that economic growth is more important than environmental protection.These poll results reflect a growing trend in Chinese society. As China…

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Posted: 12 Jun 2012 03:18 PM PDT

Gallup has just released new poll results showing that a majority of Chinese citizens care more about cleaning up the environment than they do about growing the economy. Among Chinese adults Gallup surveyed last year, 57 percent believe that protecting the environment should be their country’s priority, even if improving environmental standards slows the pace of economic growth. Only 21 percent believe that economic growth is more important than environmental protection.These poll results reflect a growing trend in Chinese society. As China…

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