60,000 Banana benders want daylight saving




Largest electronic petition to date wants to get in step with other states: By late 12 April, the electronic petition in favour of daylight saving had been signed by 59,421 people – the largest compiled in Queensland since they were introduced in 2002. The petition calls on the Government to pass laws to introduce daylight saving, saying that leaving the clocks an hour behind the other major states is affecting Queensland’s "local economy, tourism and businesses".

Opposing petition seeks to retain status quo: But the opposing petition calls on Parliament to do "all in its powers to stop the introduction of daylight saving in Queensland” because Queenslanders had categorically rejected it in the 1992 referendum.

Border towns can learn to like current arrangement: Before the last state election, Premier Peter Beattie gave a commitment to keep the status quo and has said that daylight saving was not a burning issue for Queenslanders. He has steadfastly refused to consider splitting Queensland into two time zones to appease people living on the Gold Coast and centres close to the NSW border.

Coalition not quite sure: The Nationals have also opposed daylight saving, but since the party reformed the Coalition with the Liberals, they have struggled to find a common policy ground on the issue. A spokesman for Opposition Leader Lawrence Springborg said on 12 April that "daylight saving is not a Coalition policy".

The Courier Mail, 12/4/2006, p. 2

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