$85,000 from big tobacco George Wright LABOR

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$85,000 from big tobacco


George Wright via sendgrid.info 

4:40 PM (0 minutes ago)

to me
Neville,Tony Abbott just told the National Press Club his colleagues should be saying that “he’s a great person, doing a great job”, but what’s more disturbing than that is that there are corporate donors who seem to agree with him.

While Queensland Labor edged closer to victory over the weekend, the Australian Electoral Commission released the details of political donations for last year, and it shows corporate donors gave to the Coalition at five times the rate they gave to Labor, including a handsome sum of $85,000 from big tobacco despite Tony Abbott promising in 2013 he’d join Labor in refusing tobacco donations.

Despite the polls, there’s still a big risk that when big dollar donors pump money into election war chests, the top end of town get what they want and Australians get the short end of the stick.

That’s how you get such an unfair Budget. That’s how big business get to draft Government policy. That’s how big tobacco try to bully their way out of plain packaging.

But it’s not how we want to do things. Why don’t we start our own people-powered war chest?


The Coalition gets the big dollars and marginal electorates get saturated with their message.

It means that despite the polls and unfair policies of the Government, the odds are still stacked against us, before election season even begins.

That’s not how a democracy should function. What if instead we had a campaign driven by volunteers, funded by thousands of small donations? It’s the only way we can counter their ad buys and their massive campaign war chest.


It’s not a dream — if we start now, we can make it a reality. If you chip in just $5, and enough of us join you, we can make sure the Coalition can’t buy their way out of the trouble they’re in.

Together we can give them a run for their money.


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