Teenagers forced to hitchhike in coastal areas and travelling in the boots of cars.
Govt’s only subsidise buses for school children. To provide a full transport system
for these areas in coastal and rural district would be economically impossible.
Further the battle over CSG and mining in Sydney’s western outskirts, would present
a threat to Greater Sydney’s water supply. Aquifers and some dams are already
With the Immigration quotas and the asylum seekers issue, these problems will only
worsen. We are already over-populated and can not house or accommodate those
we already have. Govt’s already cash-strapped are cutting everywhere they can
to keep to budgetry constraints, which can indrease unemployment.
Australia is only 6 % arable, yet CSG and mining are allowed on farming land, and
are causing health problems in the process. This can only hasten the end of the
lifestyle we have enjoyed for so many years.
Is this the Apocolyse we are hearing about????