Malcolm King: population growth in Penrith
STABLE Population Party (SPP) candidate for Lindsay Geoff Brown is wrong (July 8).
It is bizarre that the SPP continue to argue against population growth as if Sydney was a burgeoning African nation.
Like Pauline Hanson in a koala suit, the SPP talk green but have no environmental record.
The party wants to create a one in/one out immigration system, stop building houses for first home buyers, stop the Kiwis arriving, reduce child support payments and especially parental leave, stop 457 visas and slash our international student numbers.
It aims to fulfill its ‘‘no growth’’ mantra by winding back capitalism to a level Pol Pot would have been proud of.
Not only is growth in Penrith sustainable but it is a key factor in providing jobs and services to the area.
I have researched population and generational change for 15 years and the antipopulationist claims are disingenuous and dangerous.
In some parts of Sydney, there is a groundswell of people who say ‘‘no more people – we’re full’’.
If they built a suburb and didn’t build the public transport, roads and shops, you’re asking for trouble.
That’s a planning problem, not a people problem.
The SPP’s policies are social engineering gone mad and evidence of a rising fundamental environmentalism.
Malcolm King
Director, Republic Generational Workforce Change