Who Cares About Global Warming?
Animals. Long-term changes in global and local temperatures kill animals. Plants, too. We geologists have a good understanding of changes in global temperatures through time and some things are pretty clear.
First, major climatic changes have happened over and over again for the last billion years. Whenever it occurs, there follows lots and lots of death.
Second, it’s not about the absolute temperature or the absolute amount of CO2 in the atmosphere. It’s all about the rate of change. Temperatures have been much higher many times in the past. Atmospheric CO2 levels have been much higher than today many times in the past.
Third, we are in a major glacial period, and have been for the last 10 million years. CO2 levels are quite low relative to much of the past. Major glaciations like the present have occurred about ten other times in Earth’s history (Judith Parrish and Gerilyn Soreghan).
The figure below shows our present understanding of the relative changes in global average temperature for the past 550 million years (Paleotemperatures through Time; Berner 2006 and others). Be careful in reading this graph as the time scale is vastly different for each of the five general time segments, going from hundreds of millions of years per segment, to millions of years, to thousands of years, as the more recent periods have greater detail in the data.
The Earth goes through minor changes often within these overall cold or hot periods. So we shouldn’t be worried since this is all natural, right?
The rate of temperature change is pretty fast this time and we’re seeing serious effects even within a single human lifetime. The number of species that go extinct is a direct function of the rate at which the temperature changes.
So we should be very, very concerned since the rate of change going on now is dramatic even for the big kill times in the distant past. (Remember the last ten thousand years on the graph is really stretched out, so it looks flatter).
And it doesn’t matter if this present temperature change is human induced or not. We need to deal with it. Of course, it’s never black or white, and the warming effects appear to be a human-exacerbated natural trend.
So it doesn’t matter what the concentrations are, it matters how fast they change, and which species and groups can’t keep up with it. They’re the ones that die.
Source: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/File:All_palaeotemps.png; Berger and Loutre, 2002; Berner 2006; Royer et al. 2004, and others.
Food does not actually come from a supermarket. It comes from the ecosystem, and we need a certain amount of co-existing plants and animals on this planet to live. When too many die too quickly, our own survival is at stake.
In a purely selfish way, that’s why everyone needs to care about this. The Earth doesn’t care about us. We have to.
Humans are now a global force of nature, and we need to appreciate the implications of that. Don’t let our big brains fool you, if we don’t fully understand this problem and our place in it, we will make even more planet-wide mistakes.
Although atmospheric CO2 levels are strongly implicated in climate change, other human activities are also very important, particularly deforestation, extensive agriculture, desertification, and removal of natural waters for irrigation. These activities affect a significant amount of land surface globally and change the albedo, carbon and evaporative cycles across the planet. We can do these activities better, like in the Columbia Basin where low biodiversity in an arid region can be aided by reasonable irrigation and a diverse crop rotation.
The first resolution always made by those wanting to address this issue is to reduce fossil fuel use, and curb CO2 emissions. Which is fine. Regardless of your feelings on the relationship of CO2 to temperature, there are many other excellent reasons to dramatically decrease fossil fuel use that have nothing to do with warming or cooling, such as direct human health effects, environmental effects of mining and drilling, and ocean acidification.
This last one is most troubling. Ocean acidification depends only on absolute atmospheric CO2 levels and has nothing to do with global warming.
Atmospheric CO2 dissolves in ocean water to form carbonic acid (CO2 + H2O = H2CO3). The concentration reaches an equilibrium proportional to the amount of CO2 in the atmosphere (NOAA). The more CO2 in air, the more carbonic acid in seawater.
Even a slight acidification prevents plankton and other creatures at the base of the food chain from precipitating their shells, and the entire food chain starts to collapse. We’ve been observing this effect in the Pacific Ocean for the last decade with major adverse effects on fishing stocks. Huge dead zones are forming, some with cyanobacteria concentrations enough to burn fishermen hauling their nets (Scientific American).
So what should we do about this? Many of us agree that if CO2 levels exceed 700 ppm even for a short time the Earth would be rapidly thrown out of our present glacial period for at least the next 50,000 years (Berger and Loutre, 2002; GSA Memoir 199). Beginning this century, the major changes in biozones around the world, plus the continued increase in human population, will force irreversible changes to the global ecosystem.
As a geologist, it is difficult to image how life, and life-styles as we know them, could survive. Many species will thrive, but many will perish in the rapid environmental changes in temperature, water and flora. For human societies, who can barely handle a few years of drought, the effects on this scale will be dire.
Ironically, the only thing that will help us is the very thing that got us into this mess in the first place – energy. Lots and lots of energy. Whether it’s for cooling, for massive irrigation, for desalinization of seawater to make up for the loss of freshwater, building dikes, moving whole cities to higher ground, trying to remove CO2 from the air, or creating food for billions from algae and cockroaches, pushing back the effects of global temperature increases will require several times the entire energy output of human history.
Which brings us back to what we’ve been discussing for the last year. What is a good energy mix that gives us sufficient, reliable power for 10 billion people to survive in a warming world, without trashing the planet?
Stay tuned for the evolving answer to that question.