*** Since I first sent this email, hundreds of people have chipped in almost $10,000 to help get an ad exposing the church’s hypocrisy into the Adelaide Advertiser. We’re now less than $2000 away from our target! But we still need more help to achieve our goal.
Can you chip in just a few dollars and help me do this? Huge, public, media pressure is the only thing the Church responds to: I need your help to deliver that.***
(I also had some problems with PayPal earlier – they shut down my account because too many people were giving at once! They’ve fixed it now, so if you tried to donate and couldn’t, please click here to try chipping in again.
UPDATE: Archbishop Wilson yesterday deleted his Facebook page and all of the critical comments on it – he’s denying any part in 12 years of delays for St Ann’s victims; now he’s trying to shut down any criticism.
It feels like this is all just a game to the Catholic Church. But this is our lives. We just want some justice and to put this behind us.
I need your help to get our message through to Archbishop Wilson: that it’s time to treat child abuse victims better. We’re planning to take out a huge newspaper ad in the Adelaide Advertiser next week that does just that – would you chip in a few dollars to help us put it in the paper? Click here to donate now.
The church allowed a paedophile to drive our children’s school bus. Our children were sexually abused, and now, they’ve made us fight for 12 long years to try and get justice.
Huge public and media pressure seems to be the only thing the Church responds to. So far the Church’s legal and financial might keeps shutting us down – but we can change that: with a huge newspaper ad that shines a spotlight on what Archbishop Wilson is doing.
I’ve done the pricing and lined up a designer with experience in making these ads. If just 700 of us chip in $15 each,we’ll be able to take out a huge full-page ad in The Advertiser next week.
It’s time we draw a line in the sand. To put an end to the Catholic Church saying a big, public “sorry” at the Royal Commission – but behind the scenes using legal tactics to crush abuse victims.
Can you chip in a few dollars to help our families take out a huge newspaper ad in the Adelaide Advertiser next week to get our message through to the Catholic Church? Click here donate.
Thank you so much for your support,
P.S. Your support has been incredible so far. We’re hoping with one final big push we can convince the Catholic Church finally let us have some peace. And some justice. If you can spare any change to help us win this fight, we’d really appreciate it. All the funds will be |