الأحد، 13 أبريل، 2014
CV of women & CV of the men
CV of women & CV of men, to Vote for whom on election
If we want to employ any body for a simple job like an IT, we ask for his/her CV (Curriculum vitae) so we can decide if he/she is worthy of this simple job.
If we want to get a government to run our nations economy and military and every thing we must ask for the CV of this government other wise we might get a bunch of thieves who steal us and bunch of criminals who will make wars and destroy us or a bunch of filth who will torture some of us without mercy.
Below are the CVs submitted by men & women showing their history to convince people to Vote for them on next election.
The CV of Men
We men have experience in ruling mankind for 6000 years therefore we deserve this job of ruling mankind.
We men have fought 146000 wars bravely and we got so many medals of bravery by killing the enemy. We did it and still doing it proudly.
We men have killed three billion people during our previous job which lasted 6000 years. We killed and still killing proudly.
We men proudly have raped more than 1.2 billion women. We did it and still doing it proudly.
We men have burned women alive more than one million of them.
We men have tortured men women and children in such ugly ways and methods where even the devils are ashamed to do such a thing. We did it and still doing it proudly.
We men have stolen the masses when ever we are in power. we did it and still doing it proudly.
We men brilliantly have converted religion to a weapon. We used it to make people kill each other and destroy nations and commit atrocities to please God. We are so brilliant that we can convert an idea which seeks good to an idea which drips evil and hatred and killings and filth.
We men must get this Job because you will never find any like us, with all these capabilities all put together in one. War, killing, torture, rape, murder, mafia, thieves, gangs, drugs, lying, cheating, and above all and the most thing we are proud of religious men who deceive people to kill and explode themselves and kill women and children and we tell them you will go to haven for these filthy deeds, just tell us who can do that but we men because we are so brilliant we can convince others to die and kill others and they are so happy to die and kill. Just for this single brilliant innovative deed we ask you to give us the job of ruling this world because you will never find any body so brilliant like us ever.
Please just watch this video and see what we are capable of. Firm, strong and fierce. So don’t we deserve to rule mankind?
We men denounce strongly that you give this JOB to women, because they are stupid and have no experience at all. If they where not stupid they would have not believed us men when we told them that they are small minded and you can not run governments.
The CV of Women
We Women have created men from our bodies, then we raised men with love and devotion, we feed them from our bodies,
we taught them every thing, then when they became strong they stabbed us at the back
and raped us and distorted all our dreams by war and killings and evil.
We Women for the past 6000 years did not kill.
We Women for the past 6000 years did not create war, did not torture, did not murder, did not make mafia, did not make gangs, did not make or sell drugs.
We Women did not have religious women therefore we did not deceive people to kill to be nearer to God.
We women should get this Job of ruling mankind because we created mankind all mankind men and women. The creator should rule what she created.
We will not be as evil as the devils (men) if we rule, it will be a world full of love as mothers love their children, not as the world full of hate as when men ruled mankind during the past 6000 years.
Throughout history men have been the greatest divisive force in human existence.
Through wars persecution and torture, men have caused more harm than any other being since the beginning of time.
From good comes good & from evil must come evil.
Therefore any evil you see it must come from something is evil, what ever this something is, if it is a man or ideology or organization or society or party.
Since all what is said above formed by men therefore all the evil have come from men therefore all of you must vote for women party since it did not do any evil and will not do any evil.
Above men said women are stupid, we respectfully disagree, we can prove that men are stupid by just defining war.
War is a massacre committed by two groups of men they don’t know each other but they kill each other, while their leaders don’t kill each other but
they know each other.
What a stupid men are, to kill each other for no logical reason but for some
stupid ideologies, and all ideologies are as stupid as men are.
Where all ideologies are created by men, ‘stupid men’. Just imagine billions of people have been killed by men for ideas in the minds, where history proved they where all wrong.
We women are proud of being women because we work as they do and harder, we raise children and do no harm.
Are men proud of what they did?
We women ask for the third of the period we want to rule mankind for 2000 years then at the end of this time mankind sit and decide who ruled better women or the men.
The only way We women can reach power is by women parties just the same way men is getting power now via parties, they name them liberal and democrats and labor and so on. We women must start to make parties via face book and tweeter then when we become in millions we move on the ground and make real women parties which will run for election and since all women will vote for us and since women are always %60 of the population therefore we will rule mankind and we will end war and evil and torture.
Women of this world you must know that this article is the first step of a 1000 mile journey. You women must march this 1000 mile yourselves, No one will march it for you