Category: Speeches

Joe’s Green Manifesto

admin /20 August, 2010

JoeI greet you in peace.


I honour you with love.


Although I come in peace, I bring bad news.

Although I have bad news, I offer hope.

I am here to represent your hope for peace and love with solutions for the bad news.

I have bad news from the friends of the homeless.

Parity in education

admin /12 August, 2010

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The Greens education policy provides support for life long learning from pre-school to adult education throughout an individual’s career.

We are the only party who believes in free, well-funded, high quality education at all stages of life.

The fundamental reason for this is that the Greens believe that economic growth should come from innovation, not from plundering the planet or population increase. The only way to nurture innovation is through education.


Double the power of your vote

admin /8 July, 2010

A number of people have said to me during the course of this campaign, “OK you seem like a good bloke, the Greens policies sound sensible, but I can’t vote for you.”

I always say the same thing. “Why not?”

“Because I don’t want to waste my vote. I don’t want some other sucker to sneak in while I vote for you.”

The good news is that we have a preferential voting system.


Economic conservatives

admin /8 July, 2010

The Coalition and Labor insist they are economic conservatives. They are not. They are economic rationalists. They are selling off our resources, privatising our assets and putting profit before people.

We are currently riding high on a resources boom driven by a global economic boom. We earn 25 billion a year from coal, 15 billion a year from iron ore, 12 from aluminium, almost 10 from gold, five from petroleum, and another five billion a year from natural gas. That’s almost half our total exports from digging up stuff and flogging it off.

Vote 1 Democracy

admin /8 July, 2010

120 million Americans were glued to their television sets in 2005 awaiting the outcome of a vote. They had to wait until after the break, of course, because they were not watching the federal election, they were watching American Idol. The winner of American idol garnered 63 million votes, compared to the most voted for president ever, Ronald Reagan who got 54 million.

Whichever way you look at it, democracy is on the nose in the land o the free.

No Nuclear waste for Muckaty

admin /8 July, 2010

If ever there was an occasion to acknowledge that we are on Aboriginal land, this is it.

Us White fellas came to this land 200 years ago and have removed the trees, destroyed the rivers and let the topsoil blow into the sea. Now we are diggin up the world’s most dangerous mineral, pulverise it and send it around the world.

I found a newspaper article from 1948, three years after two atom bombs were dropped on Japan, killing hundreds of thousands of people and creating the fear that humans had the power to destroy the world.

The article tells us that scientists have discovered Uranium at Arakoola but the local people warned that Mount Gee is the head of Akurra the spiritual snake. “Disturbing the snake can let loose a series of calamities that could lead to the end of the world”