Category: John James Newsletter

The John James newsletter sources information that the mainstream news deliberately ignores. The Generator checks, vets and provides sources for selected articles from John James’ feed.

John James Newsletter No. <52>

JohnJames /1 June, 2015

The John James Newsletter 52 28 March 2015 From a friend: Another excellent newsletter! Full of good things. You do the best newsletter in Australia, as far as I can see. “For the first time in my long life the possibility of war with Russia is real,” Talk summarised here Washington’s War on Continue Reading →

John James Newsletter No. <53>

JohnJames /1 June, 2015

The John James Newsletter 53 3 April 2015 Freedom in capitalist society is the same as it was in ancient Greece: Freedom for the slave owners. Vladimir Ilich Lenin Almost all other issues are superficial by comparison to soil loss. So why don’t we talk about it? To keep up with global food demand, the Continue Reading →

John James Newsletter No. <54>

JohnJames /1 June, 2015

The John James Newsletter 54 10 April 2015 Power should be taken from the banks and restored to the people, to whom it properly belongs. Thomas Jefferson Is this why our weather in Australia has become so interesting? The map shows that much of ocean warming in the past decade has occurred in the Southern Continue Reading →

John James Newsletter No. <55>

JohnJames /1 June, 2015

The John James Newsletter 55 17 April 2015 Information is the currency of democracy Thomas Jefferson. The volume of major military deals concluded by the Obama administration in its first FIVE years exceeds the amount approved by the Bush administration in its entire EIGHT years in office by nearly $30 billion. Open this interactive and Continue Reading →

John James Newsletter No. <56>

JohnJames /1 June, 2015

The John James Newsletter 55 17 April 2015 Politicians are put there to give you the idea that you have freedom of choice. You don’t. . . . You have owners. George Carlin, Why more immigrants are dying in Mediterranean waters A careful discussion of the failed state of Libya, the advantages IS is taking Continue Reading →

John James Newsletter No. <57>

JohnJames /1 June, 2015

The John James Newsletter 57 27 April 2015     THE PHOTOS The quake that killed in four countries Monster 7.8 magnitude earthquake struck Nepal causing massive damage in the capital Kathmandu. The effects were felt in neighbouring countries with at least 36 dead in India, 12 in Tibet and four in Bangladesh Quake also triggered Continue Reading →