Category: Release Your Profit

Abundance thinking switches on social enterprise

Geoff Ebbs /4 November, 2019

Visiting professor Jay Friedlander brought his abundance approach to social enterprise at CQ University in Brisbane last night, Monday November 4th. Hosted by Dr Tobias Andreasson of CQU and Emma-Kate Rose of QSEC, Professor Friedlander outlined his Cycle of Abundance and the Social Enterprise bootcamp that he runs. “Many approaches to sustainability have focused on Continue Reading →

The power of the coach

Geoff Ebbs /3 August, 2019

Geoffrey Wade knows the power of coaching; he delivers it to his corporate clients for a living. He spoke at the invite-only Connect Collaborative in Brisbane last week, sharing some of the research that informs his practice and some of the lessons he has learned. Surprising to many in the room, including this little black Continue Reading →

Why value values?

Geoff Ebbs /27 April, 2019

The notion of values being core to business success is not restricted to the profit-for-purpose sector, impact investing or philanthropic work. Brand strategy approaches like Simon Senik’s Why, the Business Model Canvas, or the currently fashionable disrupt to succeed approach are all based on identifying the value that you offer to your customer and placing Continue Reading →

THRIVE: Small Business in the Circular Economy

Geoff Ebbs /27 April, 2019

Attendees to Small Business Week on Southbank are invited to discover the opportunities presented by the Circular Economy at Griffith University, Southbank at 10am on May 30. Circular Economy opportunities in Australia alone represent billions of dollars of dormant value that can be released by Small and Medium Enterprises focused on the sector. “Many companies Continue Reading →

Unpacking the Circular Economy

Geoff Ebbs /16 April, 2019

The circular economy differs from a linear economy because the output of one process is the input of another. The available outputs of the food production are uneaten vegetable matter and sewage from which we can harvest nutrients, energy, water and solid waste. Natural ecosystems are circular in that plants and animals accumulate nutrients and Continue Reading →

Inspiration and perspiration

Geoff Ebbs /28 March, 2019

Edison went through many thousands of versions of the electric light globe, literally, before finding one that worked and could be mass produced. It is these thousands of iterations that led to his famous observation that success is one percent inspiration and 99 percent perspiration. The one percent inspiration is critical, though. Without an idea Continue Reading →