Category: Population

Long-term threat to Moreton Bay

Geoff Ebbs /27 May, 2021

The RAMSAR listed wetlands of Moreton Bay are under threat from more developments than the proposed 3,600 home development at Toondah Harbour, according to media platform eFlux. Already approved developments include the $1billion 65,000 home Pacific-City at Norwell Valley and a new freeway, linking that city to the Gold Coast and Brisbane. So far there Continue Reading →

SARS-CoV-2 as our crystal ball

Geoff Ebbs /26 March, 2020

The CoViD 19 pandemic is a window into the future and the way that we individually and communally respond is the template that we will carry forward to deal with the next challenge and the next challenge and the one after that as the global systems that support our unsustainable lifestyle fail in the face of increasingly complex challenges

Bending the curve: The Hammer and The Dance

Geoff Ebbs /23 March, 2019

If you are actually interested in the public policy surrounding the decisions around the Corona virus, this article is thoroughly researched and incredibly informative. As always the devil is in the detail. The primary consideration is what is different about Singapore and South Korea compared to Italy and Spain? #coronavirus #hammerdance #closetheschools #closeschools #schoolclosure Continue Reading →

Japanese youth lose interest in sex

Geoff Ebbs /20 February, 2017

The Japan Times reports that Japanese youth are disinterested in sex and romance contributing to an ongoing decline in the population of Japan. A survey by marriage-counseling firm, O-Net, reveals that only one in four 20 year olds are involved in a romantic relationship. A study by the Japan Family Planning Association revealed that one Continue Reading →

Pope Francis

Pope Francis names climate action as a sacred duty

Geoff Ebbs /6 September, 2016

Pope Francis this week named pollution as ‘sinful’ and fighting Climate Change a ‘sacred duty’. He called urgently for people to actively work to save the environment, proposing that the Catholic Church add such a duty to the list of “seven mercies,” which includes feeding the hungry and visiting the sick, which Catholics are required Continue Reading →

Student visas ‘used as back door’ by foreign workers

admin /15 November, 2012

Student visas ‘used as back door’ by foreign workers Inbox x Thomson, Kelvin (MP) 10:27 AM (27 minutes ago) to Kelvin Images are not displayed. Display images below – Always display images from Dear All, Please see the following article for your information. Yours sincerely, Kelvin Thomson MP ——– Original Message ——– Subject: [PopForum] Student Continue Reading →