Category: News

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Twiggy Forrest delivered the 2021 Boyer Lectures

Billions in hydrogen deals at COP 26

Geoff Ebbs /3 November, 2021

Fortescue Metals CEO Andrew, Twiggy, Forrestor has lined up tens of billions of dollars of orders for Green Hydrogen at COP26 in Glasgow in what he calls a “coalition of first movers”. Forrestor has invested billions in establishing a green hydrogen production capacity in Australia’s north, which will use solar generated electricity to separate the Continue Reading →

Australia's national indigenous forestry strategy 2005

Climate depends on First Nations people

Geoff Ebbs /3 November, 2021

Indigenous forest management is an essential component of the global climate strategy, according to the UN Food and Agriculture Organisation. Senior Forestry officer, David Kaimowitz points out that forests cover one third of the earth’s land surface and must be maintained and nurtured as a living carbon sink, and that process is most effectively and Continue Reading →

COP26 ends up with methane agreement

Geoff Ebbs /3 November, 2021

The European Union and the United States have led a coalition of 103 countries at COP 26 in Glasgow to sign a pledge to reduce methane emissions to 70% of 2020 levels by 2030. The impact is expected to shave 0.2 degrees off the predicted temperature rise in the next decade. Methane is an extremely Continue Reading →

Rubus Probus - the Native Raspberry

Thornless native raspberry cultivated

Geoff Ebbs /27 October, 2021

A thornless native raspberry bush has been found and successfully propagated on Bundjalung country in north-eastern new south wales. The thornless bush was found growing beside a carpark by wild food researcher Peter Hardwick, who says that this thornless version is more approachable and just as tasty. Usually collecting native raspberries from a bush will Continue Reading →

Kabi Kabi Yangga Buwan Cultural and Land Aboriginal Coorporation

Road rage as Kabi Kabi arrested

Geoff Ebbs /27 October, 2021

Kabi Kabi Traditional owners were arrested and forcibly removed by police from the Djaki Kundu sacred site after protecting the area from development since January The Department of Transport and Main Roads is projected to build the Gympie bypass upgrade through the site, despite Kabi peoples protests. Spokesperson Diane Djaki Widjung said that this is Continue Reading →

A gathering to honour Joyce Clarke

Meanjin rally at Parliament Thur 28th

Geoff Ebbs /27 October, 2021

A warning to our Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander listeners, the next story contains content that some may find distressing. A rally will be held tomorrow around the country to make a national call for Justice to address the genocide of Aboriginal People. The national action is in response to a police officer being found Continue Reading →