Tag: corporate feudalism

Monbiot hardens views on Corporate Feudalism

Geoff Ebbs /17 December, 2016

Gangs of America outlines the deliberate undermining of legislatures by corporations Guardian columnist George Monbiot hardened his view on Corporate Feudalism on December 6th, writing that under the onslaught of the placeless, transnational capital McDonald’s exemplifies, democracy as a living system withers and dies. Monbiot joins the ranks of Ted Nace, Noam Chomsky and other Continue Reading →

John James, author, healer and publisher

John James Newsletter 143

Geoff Ebbs /25 October, 2016

The first war crime committed in any war of aggression is against the truth Michael Parenti     In 2015 the US imposed penalties on Volkswagen for emission violations of more than $13b. In revenge the EU imposed a $14.5b fine on Apple for unpaid taxes. The US now seeks penalties of $14b against Deutsche Bank for its part Continue Reading →

A dollar in the cage

The Cage redefines nomenclature for the uber-wealthy

Geoff Ebbs /30 September, 2016

Philip Adams is interviewing Brooke Hamilton in repeat as I type. Listen here. They are discussing the theft of wealth by those running the neo-liberal agenda. Both broadcasters keep referring to “the one percent”. One percent of the world’s population is 70 million people. There are many more millionaires than that in the world, so Continue Reading →

George Monbiot

Trade treaties to rule them all and CETA there to bind them

admin /13 September, 2016

The Comprehensive Economic and Trade Agreement, abbreviated as CETA, has attracted broad criticism this week following an impassioned piece by George Monbiot in the UK Guardian. The treaty is promoted by its Canadian and EU backers as a key to opening cross Atlantic trade and therefor increasing wealth. Its critics point out that allowing global corporations Continue Reading →

The Arctic is heating up at twice the rate of the rest of the planet

The John James Newsletter 152

Geoff Ebbs /1 December, 2014

To subscribe or unsubscribe email John Once to every man and nation Comes the moment to decide, In the strife of truth and falsehood, For the good or evil side James Russell Lowell  People are lazy. With television you just sit – watch – listen. The thinking is done for you Roger Ailes A Manifesto Continue Reading →