A storm is brewing in Australia. 350org

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A storm is brewing in Australia.


Abigail Jabines – 350.org abigail@350.org
11:11 AM (9 minutes ago)

to me
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Want to make #EndFossilFuelSubsidies unignorable?  Be part of the 350 Social Media Team!

If you’re new to social media, joining the Twitter Storm social media team is like attending a  “bootcamp” with guides and tools to make it super-easy for folks who are not familiar with it.  As Rio approaches, we’ll send regular updates with sample messages you can post online, mainly on Twitter and Facebook.

Join in Today!www.350.org/social

Dear friends in Australia,

It’s hard to believe, but every year around the world, governments spend a staggering US $1 Trillion in subsidising fossil fuels.

Every year around the world, governments spend almost US$1 trillion in subsidising fossil fuels.1 In Australia, while the fossil fuel industry is booming and richer than ever, the Government allows fossil fuel subsidies of at least AUS$8 billion per year.2

In Australia, while the fossil fuel industry is booming and richer than ever, the Government allows fossil fuel subsidies of at least AUS$8 billion per year — and AUS$2 Billion of that amount pays the bill to fill up the mining industry’s trucks with diesel. Why does Australia continue to subsidize climate change?  It’s time the Government put an end to these needless fossil fuel subsidies.

Here’s an infographic we made that shows just how crazy these subsidies are:

Infographic on Australian Fossil Fuel Subsidies

On 18 June, we are going to unleash a 24-hour online social media storm — an online push united by one single message: #EndFossilFuelSubsidies. As world leaders meet in Rio De Janeiro for the UN’s Rio+20 Earth Summit, they have a chance to make history by agreeing to end fossil fuel subsidies. Already nearly 1 million people have signed onto the End Fossil Fuel Subsidies petition — this will be delivered in the coming week to key governments around the world.  In Australia, we’re working with partners to deliver it at the Parliament House in Canberra.

Now’s the time to join the next phase of this campaign — and the first step is to join the 350.org Social Media Team. We need to get the #endfossilfuelsubsidies viral. Invite your friends to the Twitter Storm facebook page. Retweet messages from @350 and @350Australia. Repost photos and videos on your social networks.  

Australia plays an important role in leading the call — at 6pm (Eastern Standard Time) this coming Monday, June 18th, we will be launching the 24hr Global Twitter storm from downtown Sydney.  We’ll start a relay of Twitter projections in big cities around the world, and ending in Rio de Janeiro.  With your help, we might even hit a world record for the “most widespread social network message in 24 hours.” Find out more about twitter storm here.

Twitter connects world leaders, opinion makers, and regular activists in one network. If we work together and aim high, we can make sure the right people see and hear this grassroots uprising.

We don’t believe the internet will save the world—we believe that people will. Now let’s use this digital bullhorn to make some noise. Join the 350 social media team today.


Abigail Jabines


1. www.endfossilfuelsubsidies.org/why/

2.  As of September 2011. Unpublished Australian Treasury freedom of information document, number 66. Document available on request from Greenpeace Australia Pacific.

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