Aftershocks strike off Solomon Islands


Aftershocks strike off Solomon Islands

ABCUpdated February 2, 2013, 4:36 pm



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: Weather bureau summer concern

Six aftershocks have been recorded off the coast of the Solomon islands following a powerful earthquake earlier on Saturday.

The magnitude 6.6 quake was centred out to sea about 70 kilometres southwest of Lata in the Santa Cruz islands.

Geoscience Australia says the quake was extremely shallow.

The Pacific Tsunami Warning Centre says there is no widespread tsunami threat based on historical earthquake and tsunami data.

The US Geological Survey puts the quake’s magnitude at 6.7.

It was followed by a series of smaller aftershocks, including a magnitude 5.6 quake which struck 82 kilometres southwest of Lata with a depth of nearly 30 kilometres.
Two smaller magnitude 4.9 tremors struck the same region at a depth of nearly 20 kilometres and 35 kilometres.

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