Recent media reports that “nanoparticles in sunscreen are harmless” on the basis of a recently published study don’t reflect the paper’s own conclusions nor the current state of the science.

30 January, 2014 Uncategorized0
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Conclusions that nano-ingredients in sunscreen are safe are premature

Recent media reports that “nanoparticles in sunscreen are harmless” on the basis of a recently published study don’t reflect the paper’s own conclusions nor the current state of the science.
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ACCC refuses to tackle misleading conduct in the sunscreen industry

The ACCC has refused to take action against two sunscreen ingredient manufacturers, Antaria and Ross Cosmetics, for misleading conduct, despite clear evidence that the two companies sold nanomaterials as ‘non nano’ and ‘nanoparticle free’.
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US court warns of risk to toddlers of nano-silver exposure

A US Court has found that toddlers are at risk from exposure to a nano-silver coating on clothing, carpets and blankets and has thrown out an approval given by the US Environmental Protection Agency permitting unrestricted use of the coating.
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Independent review finds inaccuracy and bias in Government materials on nanotechnology

An independent review of Government materials found that many of them shamelessly promoted the nanotechnology industry.
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