Author: Roberta

Quirk quick to grip hip list

Roberta /28 May, 2014

Lord Mayor Graham Quirk is rolling out the accolades for Brisbane, clearly relishing being the Mayor of the hippest, fastest growing, smartest and most business friendly city on the face of the planet. The praise comes from a variety of sources, with the latest label being added to Quirk’s Christmas Tree by the 2thinknow Innovation Continue Reading →

Thrift paradox costs Bertie budget bet

Roberta /14 May, 2014

Psychic’s don’t win the lottery so I should have known better. I like risk though, so I bet against the petrol levy.  I hope none of you went out and put the farm on SportsBet. “Too bad, so sad” if you did. I lost the farm shortly after I lost the plot. The budget outcome confirms one Continue Reading →

The petrol levy will not increase

Roberta /12 May, 2014

Okay. Alright already. Just ‘cos I correctly predicted the result of the Griffith by-election does not make me a seer.  DJ Greyboy’s French Bulldog would have predicted that result without putting her snout over the pink-ribboned lip of her bling-lined basket. But. I know human behaviour and I can recognise a bunch of old ,white men having Continue Reading →

Rudd’s one percent not enough for six dollar Bill

Roberta /11 February, 2014

So despite the vast expenditure, the signs on every Belle Property regardless of owner or tenant approval, the announcement by the Brisbane City Council that it would not enforce its own electoral signage by laws, the voters grimly went out and voted exactly the same way they did last time. You can count the people Continue Reading →

Meet the Griffith candidates

Roberta /4 February, 2014

Grill a Green, nail a Nat and  lambast a Labor candidate. Whatever the colour of your campaign t-shirt, quizz a candidate on the evening of Wednesday February 5th, in West End just before the by-election for Griffith. All candidates are invited and the format will depend a little on who accepts the invitation. The venue Continue Reading →

The apparat-chick and the suppository of righteousness

Roberta /15 January, 2014

Spoiler alert: Griffith by-election result is announced on this article. Do not read until February 9 if you intend to enjoy the election. Most Australians and nearly all Queenslanders are heartily sick of politics: None more so than the people of Griffith. They adored the Ruddster with rock-fan like devotion only to be let down Continue Reading →