causes of global warming


causes of global warming

Posted by on August 21, 2013

Global Warming Web

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causes of global warming


First, let us clear that causes of global warming is the phenomenon of the increase in the temperature of the atmosphere and oceans in recent decades. Air pollutants accumulate in the atmosphere form a thicker layer at a time, trapping the sun’s heat and causing global warming. The main pollutants are carbon dioxide (produced by power plants based on coal) and carbon dioxide CO2 (emitted by cars).

Global warming will cause irreparable consequences:

– The melting of glaciers

– Droughts cause the most severe water shortages;

– Increased deforestation or throws deserts;

– Hurricanes, cyclones, global warming makes that more water evaporates from the oceans strengthening these types of disasters;

– The rise in sea levels will produce coastal flooding;

– The condition of habitats such as coral reefs and forests could the extinction of many animal and plant species in the ecosystem caused fluctuations lead.

– Heat waves, the elderly and children killed, especially in Europe;

– Forests, fields and cities faced cumbersome new pests and more mosquito-borne diseases.

Here are some tips to help prevent global warming:

Reduce your impact on the displacement

Much of the CO2 produced in the world comes from cars, trucks and airplanes. Here are some simple, practical things to reduce its motion emitted in their CO2 emissions.

Reduce the number of miles that you drive with public transport, walking, cycling or car sharing:

When stop driving only 16 miles per week than we normally handle, remove about 227 kg of CO2 emissions per year. Use the respective vehicle only when necessary and do not use it for short trips that can be done on foot. If you should to stop the car for more than a minute off during the waiting period.

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Pick up people from work or school:

Share your car with someone who will otherwise only your own car twice a week, the CO2 emissions 723 kg per year.

Keep you synchronized your car:

Regular maintenance helps improve fuel efficiency and reduced emisiones.Revise your tires weekly for proper inflation:

Holding tires are properly inflated to enhance fuel efficiency more than 3%. Every liter of petrol saved keeps 9 kg of CO2 is emitted into the atmosphere.

When looking for a new car, choose one with fuel efficiency:

You can 1364 kg CO2 if your new car is only 5 km walk more per gallon than the old one. Hybrid cars can be up to 96 miles on a single gallon of gasoline. Evaluate new alternatives such as electric cars already available on the market.

Replace your light bulbs with efficient bulbs:

Can get the efficient bulbs, up to 60% less energy than normal. This simple change can be up to 136 kg of carbon per year and money on your electricity bill. Position they are places where light used are older. Use task lighting for reading, crafts, etc and bright color of the walls of your home, so you can use lower wattage bulbs.

Use less hot water:

Saving energy is very important to note that it requires a lot of energy to heat water.

Where possible, dry your laundry on a rope instead of the dryer:

In this way, up to 636 kg of carbon dioxide (CO2) can save per year. If the washing machine to do the laundry when you reach the maximum recommended by the manufacturer, not more than the maximum rated power to wash some clothes with the economic program.

Use to prevent the right amount of soap that do more than a rinse, reuse of water you use the washing machine, this could serve to toilets or mop floors.

Do not switch devices in use:

Simply turning off your television, stereo or computer, if not save them thousands of pounds of CO2 per year.

Make energy conservation part of your daily routine: avoid turn off the lights when you leave a room, turn off appliances they instead on “stand-by” iron once a week, and opening ever in the vicinity of the refrigerator, avoid opening the the oven door. We recommend using the residual heat finish cooking the food.

Unplug appliances that you do not use:

Even if they are off devices such as mobile phone chargers and televisions use energy. In fact, the energy used so wasted 18 million tons of carbon dioxide per year.

Admire the law of the 3 Rs:

Recycle, Reduce unnecessary and irresponsible consumption of goods and REUSE. When retrieving boxes or containers that you contribute to fewer trees are harvested, calculated CO2 capture and purify the air. You can save generated from household waste by recycling just half of 1090 kg of CO2 per year.

How to recycle, using multiple doses: one for paper and cardboard, glass and plastic for one and one for residual waste (organic, toilet paper and wrappers can not be recycled).

Remember, though, that there are companies that specialize in the purchase of recyclable materials such as newsprint, bottles, etc.. Find out where you can.

With both sides of the paper:

Especially if you are taking notes or draft copies. By reusing 100 kilos of paper saved the lives of at least 7 trees.

Buy recycled paper products:

Take on recycled paper to produce 70-90% less energy.

As efficient use of water:

Make sure that the toilets and sinks and toilets, leaks. Repair leaks immediately, because ten drops per minute mean wasted 2000 liters of water per year. Avoid washing food with an open key, use a container. Upon completion, this water can be used for watering the plants.

Avoid to empty the tank without; avoid pulling the oil sinks, floats on water and is very difficult to eliminate, avoid littering the sea, rivers or lakes.

Want bathtub shower when you brush your teeth or shave, do not let the water run, do not use the toilets as cans with hot water only when necessary and only the necessary, collect them in a bucket of cold water from the shower before Heating and begin to swim.

Planting Trees:

Among other benefits of reforestation as a contribution to the environment and habitat of species (biodiversity) and water conservation, trees capture CO2 during growth.

Do not buy products with many envelopes and packages:

You can 545 kg of CO2 when to waste it produces reduced by 10% the amount.

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