Dear Nevile —
We hope this email finds you safe and dry and that you have recovered from the storm events of the month. Our hearts and thoughts are with those who have endured loss and sorrow.
We’ve had a busy month at the Hunter Community Environment Centre (HCEC) working on protecting communities against the expansion of fossil fuels, the leading cause of climate change.
Thanks to all of you who support us in our work. To keep our campaigns running, we rely on donations from people like you. If you’d like to make a donation, click here.
Last week, Premier Mike Baird visited the Hunter region to learn more about the impacts of the coal industry on communities in our region. He met with horse-breeders near Denman, and residents of Bulga, both under threat by invasive coal mining. While this is encouraging, our Premier also has a lot of meetings with coal companies. The HCEC and other groups will need to keep working hard to achieve wins against this powerful industry lobby group.
A recent report released by the Climate Council, reminds us that most of the world’s fossil fuel reserves must be left in the ground, unburned, to keep global temperature rise to no more than 2°C.
Read the full report – click here.
If you have time to get involved this month there are plenty of opportunities. Read through our list of events below, and email the HCEC coordinator if you find something that interests you.
PEACEFUL DIRECT ACTION WORKSHOP – Saturday 9th of May – FREE workshop.
Following on from the rally in Sydney on the 20th of April, where hundreds of concerned people delivered the Bulga Declaration to Minister Rob Stokes, Minister for planning, we’re offering a free workshop.
Peaceful direct action is a powerful tool used by communities around Australia desperate to protect their land, water, and people from invasive mining projects.
The Bulga community has fought for five years to protect their town from Rio Tinto’s proposed Warkworth coal mine expansion. While the NSW Government has apparently abandoned them, thousands of people have pledged to join local residents, businesses, and traditional custodians in the battle to Save Bulga.
Don’t miss this exciting event!
Bulga Milbrodale Progress Association is hosting this full-day workshop to train up local people and their supporters in the philosophy and practice of Peaceful Direct Action.
RSVP the coordinator.
10am to 4pmBulga Hall
TAKE ACTION – Wednesday 20th May
This month we’re collaborating with our friends at Climate Action Newcastle and for a week of action. We’ll be taking part in the “Raise the Heat” campaign and applying pressure to the Commonwealth Bank.
We’ll be calling on them to publicly rule out funding for the Galilee Basin coal mines and Abbot Point port expansion. These projects would have dire impacts on climate, water, country and the future of the Great Barrier Reef.
Come along and help us show the Commonwealth Bank that customers and communities right across Australia don’t support mega coal mines in the Galilee Basin nor massive coal ports in the Great Barrier Reef.
For further information, or to find out how you can be involved, visit our facebook event page or email the coordinator
SURVEY – Door-to-door, Sunday 24th May
Join with us as we survey community attitudes to coal in the Hunter Valley. You don’t have to be an expert, we work in small teams and go door to door to ask simple questions for an anonymous survey. Will you join us for this great day of action? Full training and transport will be provided. Email the coordinator for more information and registration.
Celebrate with us, the planet we all work so hard to protect.
It’s World Environment Day and we’re celebrating at the Great Northern Hotel.
We’ll have live music, dancing, a fundraising auction and some local campaigners from the HCEC to give some campaign updates. This will be a great opportunity for an enjoyable night out with like-minded people and, for our new supporters, a perfect introduction to the HCEC and ways you can be involved in our campaigns.
Some of Newcastle’s most talented artists, along with generous business owners have donated amazing products and works of art for our auction so, please come along and do some bidding, catch up with friends and make some new ones.
We’re still taking donations for the auction, so if you’d like to contribute, let us know.
We’ll send more details closer to the event, but please register your interest now, as numbers are limited. Email the coordinator for more information and registration.
Stalls Coordinator/s
The Hunter Community Environment Centre is recruiting for a volunteer or volunteers to assist with the planning and coordinating of stalls in the Hunter region.
Duties of the position will include researching potential markets and events in the region; approaching supportive performers to request stalls at their events; recruiting other volunteers to help run stalls; and liaising with HCEC staff to determine any required training needs that need to be met. We estimate that the initial start-up position would take 4 hrs per week and then depend on the amount of stalls you would like to commit to.
Please Email Ness for more information on
The Hunter Community Environment Centre relies on support from our members and the wider community to do our work. We really appreciate your support and involvement, let us know if there are other ways you’d like to be involved, or if you would like to make a regular donation to our campaigns. Donate Here
With thanks,
Ness and John
Hunter Community Environment Centre |