CityRail is a sardine express in peak hour


CityRail is a sardine express in peak hour

Alicia Wood
The Daily Telegraph
December 22, 201212:00AM

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Commuters on the North shore rail line Chatswood to Milsons Point / Pic: John Grainger Source: The Daily Telegraph

NORTHERN Sydney train commuters are suffering more than those in other parts of the city – packed like sardines in the morning and afternoon peaks, CityRail data reveals.

CityRail published its capacity figures yesterday, showing that in peak hour the average train is standing-room only. In the morning peak to the city, Northern line commuters fared worst, averaging more than 22 passengers standing and all seats taken by the time trains get to Redfern.

The most packed morning train on the Northern line had more than 74 people standing.

The Airport and East Hills line was the next most overcrowded service in the morning peak, averaging more than 12 people standing, with a maximum of more than 74 people standing by the time the train reached Green Square or Redfern.

Inner-west commuters also faced crowded trains in the morning peak period, averaging all seats occupied, with the most crowded train carrying more than 74 people standing.

In the afternoon peak, commuters travelling home on the North Shore line were the worst off, with the average number of trains at standing-room only, and the most packed train carrying more than 74 standing passengers by the time it gets to North Sydney. The average Illawarra train had all seats occupied, and the fullest train carried more than 22 standing passengers on reaching Redfern.

One thought on “CityRail is a sardine express in peak hour

  1. Neville

    21 December, 2012

    I don’t kmow where they p;ucked this figure of 74 from.
    On the the outer western line 20 or 30 standing in each
    carriage would be the norm. In a six carriage train this
    would equate to around 200 standing after departure from
    Penrith. The Northern line figures are also questionable.

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