CommBank is making moves 350 org

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CommBank is making moves


Josh Creaser – Australia <> Unsubscribe

10:34 AM (40 minutes ago)

to me

Dear Friend,

Thanks for helping put pressure on Greg Hunt to throw out the Abbot Point coal port proposal last week. At the same time, another part of the campaign to stop this disastrous project is heating up and we need your help.

We’re hearing that CommBank is in advanced conversations with Adani about bankrolling the Galilee Basin coal mines and Abbot Point port expansion on the Great Barrier Reef.

We won’t mince our words – this is serious. If an Australian bank signs a deal it could be the spark that ignites this carbon bomb.

Click here to signup for an action at a CommBank branch near you.

Our movement is ready to respond and show CommBank that either they back away from the project now OR face an unrelenting community campaign that will drag their reputation through the mud.

From 19-23 May, over 100 creative and bold actions have been organised in what is poised to be our most powerful banks moment yet. All that’s missing is you!

Can you join the action at a CommBank branch near you?

The Galilee Basin and Abbot Point coal port tick all the boxes of senseless development. Releasing masses of carbon pollution — tick. Damaging the Great Barrier Reef — tick. Sending profits offshore — tick. Backing the problem rather than the solutions — tick, tick, tick.

The week of actions is a powerful moment for our movement to show CommBank that from Lithgow to Mt Gambier, Sydney to Airlie Beach and many places in between we won’t let them get away with financing this disaster.

Signup today to join with you community and take action at your local CommBank.

Thanks for being part of this crucial moment,

Josh for Australia is building a global climate movement.You can connect with us on Facebook, follow us on Twitter, and become a sustaining donor to keep this movement strong and growing.

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