Daily update: Abbott may close renewables scheme in January

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Daily update: Abbott may close renewables scheme in January


Renew Economy editor@reneweconomy.com.au via mail200.atl81.rsgsv.net

1:53 PM (1 hour ago)

to me
Abbott may close renewables scheme in January, Is NSW serious about its support for renewables, Frugal households subsidise rich and profligate energy users, Graph of the Day, Age of entitlement has not ended for fossil fuels, Solar at grid parity in Utah, Solar can provide grid reliability, 100% renewables will be achieved in German state soon, US media giant offers to pay employees to try solar, TrustPower buys NSW wind and hydro assets, and Australia has led way in slashing solar costs.
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RenewEconomy Daily News
The Parkinson Report
Modelling by Tony Abbott’s hand-picked firm has destroyed the two major arguments the Abbott government had against the renewable energy target. But it seems the target is destined to be slashed anyway, and support for solar ended.
NSW says it supports renewables target, but modelling for market commission suggests no renewables will be built in NSW if its policy position is adopted.
Households are being forced by incumbent energy monopolies to pay electricity supply charges for grid capacity that they don’t actually need.
Clean energy contributed nearly 15 per cent of Australian’s electricity in 2013, with a big boost in hydro.
State governments are providing billions of dollars in subsidies to fossil fuel industries.
New RMI/GTRI analysis shows how to reduce U.S. solar PV costs through installation labor efficiency.
Energy consumers in Utah could soon be paying less for solar than for coal.
New study says network of utility scale concentrating solar power plants could provide same grid reliability as conventional power plants, at less cost.
TrustPower wins tender for purchase of NSW government wind and hydro assets.
Germany’s windiest area, Schleswig-Holstein, will probably achieve “100% renewable electricity” sometime this year.
Eligible employees of Cox Enterprises who want

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