Daily update: Bernstein: 4 scary choices for utilities in face of solar onslaught

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Daily update: Bernstein: 4 scary choices for utilities in face of solar onslaught


Renew Economy editor@reneweconomy.com.au via mail341.us2.mcsv.net Unsubscribe

3:14 PM (16 minutes ago)

to me
Four scary choices for utilities in face of solar onslaught, Why India’s dirty coal problem is bad news for Australia, China’s 14GW solar target challenged by policy uncertainty, What ‘wind turbine syndrome’ tells us about the future of cleantech, How China’s coal cap makes it a leader in tackling climate change, Mixed Greens: Home-grown solar thermal pilot launched, Are we halfway to market dominance for solar? And world solar power capacity increased 35% in 2013
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RenewEconomy Daily News
The Parkinson Report
Can generators live off two hours of demand a day? And what if utilities actually tried to slow down the rollout of rooftop solar? If these are questions energy utilities are asking themselves in the current market environment, they may not like investment bank Bernstein’s answers.
IPCC says China and other emerging economies will scale back fossil fuels to cut air pollution. This graph from new HSBC report explains why.
Deutsche Bank questions China’s 2014 installed solar PV target, citing policy uncertainty, problems with project finance and implementation as hurdles.
As new technology collides with human nature, myth and misinformation take hold. Fighting this means examining what drives people to reject science.
Coal caps mean China may be doing more to tackle climate change than the EU and US.
Solar thermal demo plant launched at a Newcastle pool; rooftop solar booming in Vic mortgage belt; two clean energy companies head down under.
Solar is now around 1 percent of global electricity generation. But that might mean we’re further along than you’d think.
With about 37,007 megawatts (MW) of solar PV power installed in 2013, world solar PV power

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