Daily update: Rooftop Solar: Does it really need the grid?

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Daily update: Rooftop Solar: Does it really need the grid?


Renew Economy editor@reneweconomy.com.au via mail13.us2.mcsv.net Unsubscribe

1:55 PM (2 hours ago)

to me
Does rooftop solar really need the grid? Wind and solar generation half the cost of nuclear, Abbott’s business guru insists the world is cooling, Mixed greens, Reforms needed to stop free-riding of grid on back of solar PV, Energy-smart appliances cut Australian power bills by billions, Germany renewable energy policy designed to keep industries at home, 5 key ingredients for a sustainable home, and Oklahoma utilities hit homes using solar with extra fee.
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RenewEconomy Daily News
The Parkinson Report
The plunging cost of rooftop solar, the anticipated fall in battery costs, and the potential ability to buy a home energy system from the local hardware store, is causing a split between those that believe the grid will follow in the footsteps of the Post Office, and those that insist we can’t do without it.
German study concludes new-build wind and solar power generation cost 50% less than new-build nuclear. Coal barely rates a mention.
Tony Abbott’s key business advisor Maurice Newman says world is cooling – which puts recent comments by George Brandis and Clive Palmer into context.
Carnegie Wave capital raising oversubscribed; Kangaroo green bond market tipped to hit $1bn; Barrier Reef’s solar protector; Redflow improves batteries.
Rooftop solar PV tariffs are unjust, and a cash cow for energy providers. It is time to rethink make-up of network tariffs.
The value of energy saved in Australia last year alone was around A$3.2 billion. Of this, some A$2.7 billion was saved by households.
Large industrial power users in renewable-focused Germany will pay 35% less for their electricity next year than those in nuclear powered France.
If climate change features highly in your concept of sustainability then here are 5 essential ingredients for a sustainable home.
Anyone living in Oklahoma who installs solar panels will soon be charged a fee for the right to do that while still being connected to the

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