Daily update: Rooftop solar future boosted as Labor pledges support

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Daily update: Rooftop solar future boosted as Labor pledges support


Renew Economy editor@reneweconomy.com.au via mail201.atl121.mcsv.net Unsubscribe

1:28 PM (23 minutes ago)

to me
Rooftop solar future boosted as Labor pledges support; Coal-fired generation in US to fall by 1/4 by 2020; HESTA super to quit thermal coal; The farmer who likes his wind turbines; Zero energy at zero cost; Australian Energy Storage Council launched; Oceans full of our plastic, here’s what we can do; Everyone loves a dinosaur, but not in our energy system; and It’s time for Australia’s next light-bulb moment.
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RenewEconomy Daily News
The Parkinson Report
The future of the rooftop solar industry looks more assured after Labor pledges support for current legislation, and Save Solar campaign expands and gains political traction. However, the outlook for large scale wind and solar developments remains uncertain.
State-based renewable energy targets and tight emissions standards – on mercury and CO2 – will slash coal burning in US.
HESTA, an Australian super fund with $29bln in assets, to quit new thermal coal investments, citing “unburnable carbon” scenarios and stranded asset fears.
WA cattle farmer: “No-one in their right mind could put up an argument and say wind turbines aren’t of benefit.”
The Netherlands has found a way to refurbish existing buildings to net zero energy, within a week, with a 30-year builders’ guarantee and no subsidies.
New peak body for the energy storage industry created by solar sector.
By 2050, 95% of seabirds will have plastic in their gut. Just one finding the the largest sample of marine debris data ever collected anywhere in the world.
Do our largest energy companies aspire to be dinosaurs or would they rather be creatures of the future?
It’s nearly five years since the old incandescent lights were taken off the shelves. But the job of regulating lighting e

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