Daily update: Solar costs heading to 4c/kWh, rooftop solar seen “unbeatable”
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Solar costs heading to 4c/kWh, rooftop solar seen “unbeatable”; Stored electricity heads to $0.05/kWh; Australia’s unsustainable size 13 footprint; New-build houses in WA suburb must install solar, wind; How solar “socket” parity took the world by surprise; Solar best option for energy poor says IEA; Human hands all over Australia’s hottest year; New housing in Cali to be EV capable; Why local energy ownership matters; NSW fertiliser firm installs 100kW solar to cut bills; and Inside Cali’s $8bn wind energy project.
IEA says rooftop solar is “unbeatable” and will underpin its forecasts for solar – both PV and thermal with storage – to become the dominant energy technology, with costs falling to 4c/kWh. Finance is a key, however, and that will require some stable and sensible policy.
Winfried Hoffmann has created a learning curve for battery storage that predicts costs will fall much faster than many experts believe.
WWF says Australia one of worst offenders in a world living well beyond its means – a pattern driving dramatic declines in biodiversity since 1970.
Nedlands Council orders new-build and renovated houses in affluent Perth suburb to install minimum of 1.5kW solar, wind or other on-site generation.
Socket parity has arrived so quickly it has turned the electricity industry on its head. Now solar could do the same for liquid fuels.
Coal industry pushes coal-fired generators as best means to address energy poverty, but IEA says solar is the best solution.
Amid predictions China could have a 35% share of global PV capacity by 2050, Beijing calls for regional govts to have up to 10% renewables by 2015.Content
New analyses show people didn’t just leave fingerprints on the record-breaking heat: we left a clear handprint.
Latest EV friendly bill in Cali set to require that all recently constructed parking lots or housing must be ready for electric charging infrastructure.
Solar and wind projects can mean big bucks for communities – but only if they keep them local!
A 100kW rooftop solar system installed by one of Australia’s leading fertilizer and garden products manufacturer should save the company $45,000 a year.
The key to the $8 billion California wind energy project would be a massive compressed air energy storage system using salt caverns in Utah.