Daily update: Why solar may not be biggest threat to energy utilities

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Daily update: Why solar may not be biggest threat to energy utilities


Renew Economy editor@reneweconomy.com.au via mail142.us4.mcsv.net Unsubscribe

3:04 PM (14 minutes ago)

to me
Why solar may not be biggest threat to energy utilities; Gas could cost 40% more than renewables in low-carbon shift; Another 16k homes add rooftop in July; Japan challenges China to be world’s biggest solar market in 2014; China looks to renewables target, as Australia looks to hobble RET; Wind energy to rescue as EDF takes part of UK’s nuclear fleet offline; ACT solar farm proposal riles Uriarra residents; Thomas Piketty, climate change and discounting our future; Using your smoking habit to make renewable energy; Barcelona – Spain’s city of the sun; and Germany hits new renewables record.
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RenewEconomy Daily News
The Parkinson Report
Solar is a major threat to energy business models. But its impact may pale to that of major firms such as Apple and Google and their promotion of “megawatts” through smart software. Citigroup predicts a battle of “epic” proportions between tech giants and the conventional energy producers.
UNSW study says relying on ‘risky, uncertain’ gas-fired electricity to clean up Australia’s power sector could cost 40% more than shift to renewables.
Another 16,000 Australian homes added rooftop solar in July, but commercial scale installations grabbed a larger share.
BNEF predicts Japan solar boom could deliver 10.3-11.9GW of added PV capacity this year – only slightly less than China, the world’s largest market.
As Australia’s RET hangs in the balance, China looks to introduce a policy to set quotas for renewable energy capacity and use.
EDF forced to shut down four nuclear reactors in UK, but grid operator says all good because there is plenty of back-up – from wind energy.
A proposed 7MW solar farm near Uriarra has become the first in Australia to attract mass objections from locals.
The prevailing view at the international level about action on climate change seems to be, “Why should I care about future generations?” It’s those views about what future generations are worth that will determine climate change policy in 2014 and beyond.
To help break the world’s addiction to fossil fuels, scientists are channeling another harmful addiction: smoking cigarettes.
Barcelona is famous for Gaudí’s architecture and a world-class Picasso museum, but it should also be known for its commitment to sustainability, and solar.
A new record in Germany as renewable energy produced about 81 TWh, or 31% of the nation’s electricity during the first half of 2014

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