Tony Abbott’s education green paper recommends ending universal access to education in Australia.
The official paper, currently being considered by the Liberals, includes plans to charge compulsory government fees to parents who send their kids to public schools and even suggests ending Federal funding for public schools altogether.
I believe that now is the time when Australia should be securing its future success and fairness by investing in the education of our young Australians and the skills of our workforce.
Instead, the changes being considered by the Liberals would take our education system back to the 1960s.
Cutting federal funding to public schools and introducing compulsory government school fees for public school students is the biggest attack on public education by a federal government ever.
If the Liberal government goes ahead with these changes they would end universal access to education in Australia.
This is about our kids and our country’s future.
It’s up to all of us to get LOUD and stop Tony Abbott and Christopher Pyne in their tracks.
Sign here to stick up for your public schools.
Thanks for standing with me on this,
Bill |