A plan by national engineering firms to save 300 gigalitres of fresh water a year for South Australia has been lodged with the National Water Commission reported The Advertiser (10/2/2007, p.43).
Federal funding sought for Twin Lakes scheme: Adelaide-based natural resource management group Kellogg Brown & Root is seeking $5 million in federal funding for a feasibility and environmental impact study of its Twin Lakes scheme. The group has been joined by environmental and engineering consulting firm URS in pushing for the project.
Saltwater pool in freshwater Lake Alexandrina: The $250 million proposal, first floated more than two years ago, involves building a saltwater pool in the middle of freshwater Lake Alexandrina. The inner seawater lake would connect to the sea by removing the Ewe Island barrage, with the design capable of saving 300 gigalitres of fresh water a year in evaporation. Under the plan, an embankment would be built about 1km from the shoreline of Lake Alexandrina to create the inner seawater lake.
The Advertiser, 10/2/2007, p. 43